Search results for 'sex' (Page 3)

Search results for 'sex' (Page 3)

Your search returned 30 matches for sex.

Fishing and Following

by Keith Lippy One time when I was a little boy my father took my brother and I fishing. I had an open-faced fishing reel that I wasn’t very good at operating. As I attempted to cast the line into the pond, the line snagged somehow and landed far off to the left of where I was aiming for. I began reeling it in and there seemed to be something attached to it that felt like…

Do Not Love the World

The term ‘world’ in the New Testament has a variety of meanings. It can mean the physical earth. It can mean the whole world of mankind and every individual on it. Similarly, ‘world’ can describe the whole world of nations and peoples known at that time: the Roman world and surrounding areas. Sometimes it refers to the world simply to indicate Jews and Gentiles together.…

One Flesh

What is marriage?  Is it just an outdated tradition?  Just a superficial arrangement?  What is the purpose?   To answer this, let’s go back to the beginning.  Let’s look at God’s original design for marriage in Genesis 2.  Here we read the account of Adam and Eve, the first married couple.   Genesis tells us that God created…

Habits for Life

Like any new year, people all around us will be evaluating their life, setting goals, and making resolutions for 2020. With this change of the calendar, it is certainly appropriate for Christians to take an honest look at the direction and progress of our lives. Let’s look at a resource to will help us do that thoughtfully and biblically.   A year ago, The…

Six Principles of a Healthy Marriage

When I was single, the crazy high divorce rates in our culture never made any sense to me. You get to live with your best friend and have sex? What could go wrong‽ When I fell in love with my wife, I fell hard. We soon got engaged, did premarital counseling, and looked forward to a big wedding and living happily ever after. But then a few months into marriage I had this…

Books & Blogs

Books & Blogs The following devotion, blog, and book recommendations are intended to point you in the right direction with biblical, Christ-centered resources. Certainly there are other good things out there as well. If you are looking for something to read to supplement your daily reading of God’s Word, find something below and get started! Bible Reading Plans &…