Our Mission
Experience God in a personal, impacting, and Spirit-led relationship through a life of prayer, worship, and active faith.
Embrace Truth that is deep, relevant, and life-changing through reading, studying, and teaching God’s Word.
Establish Community in the home and in the church through intentional, honest, and loving relationships.
Engage the World with the gospel through respectful dialogue, sincere relationships, and accessible events.
Our Values
We will strive after purity in every aspect of our lives – thought, word, and deed. We seek to be like Christ.
We will uphold the biblical standard of obedience, but – recognizing our freedom in Christ – we will not create or enforce man-made standards of righteousness.
We will value each person’s ideas, gifts, and contribution to the community. Each believer offers a vital component to the Kingdom.
We will maintain humility with those inside and outside the church as we recognize our weaknesses, our need for God, and His abundant grace in our lives.
We will strive for open and honest communication amongst ourselves, respectfully speaking our mind to one another.
While the Church is distinct in the world, we recognize the need to remain connected and relevant to those around us.
We respect and value children and youth as a vital part of our community. We make it a priority to include them in our pursuit of God and to provide specific ministries for their needs.
We will stay focused on the specific components God has called our church to pursue. Recognizing our calling outside the church, we will not overload ourselves with extraneous programs that do not directly serve our purposes.