When we think of “home,” we often picture comfort, safety, or the love of family. But Jesus offers us a deeper, life-changing invitation: to make Him our true home, our place of abiding. In John 15:1-11, Jesus uses the image of a vineyard to illustrate what it means to abide in Him. He is the vine, we are the branches, and God is the Vinedresser who cuts, cultivates, and cares for us. To abide in Christ is to remain connected, to draw strength, purpose, and growth directly from Him.
Our world, however, pushes us to keep moving, achieving, and finding self-worth in accomplishments. It’s easy to fall into a cycle of burnout, even when pursuing good things. But Jesus models a different way. Despite carrying the responsibility of teaching, healing, and even saving humanity, He found rest in His relationship with God. He knew His purpose and finished His work without burning out. In John 15 Jesus is preparing his disciples for the busy task of preaching the gospel to all nations, making disciples, baptizing them and teaching them to obey. Yet before he tells them to go, he calls them to stay – to abide. Abiding in Christ offers us the same invitation—to rest and recharge in Him, trusting that God is at work in us, even through life’s challenges, responsibilities, and ministry calling.

Jesus’s words remind us of the dangers of relying solely on ourselves. Without Him, we can do nothing. True fruitfulness flows from dependence on Christ, not from our own efforts. As Tim Keller put it, “Spiritual fruit grows in a heart that learns to rest in the grace of God, not in the efforts of self-salvation.” Looking within ourselves for strength and hope cuts us off from our true power and source for life, Christ Jesus Himself.
So, come home to Christ. Make Him your source, and let His love transform every part of your life. In His presence, you’ll find the strength, peace, and joy that only He can provide.