Living Hope Church believes children are integral to the health of any church. We want children to be actively engaged in seeking and finding God through His Word, through Sunday School lessons, through interactive play, and even through crafts designed to bring attention to their need for a personal relationship with Him as their Lord and Savior.
We are so excited to have you and your family join us. All children participating in any of our Sunday School classes must be registered in our system and checked in each Sunday. Visiting families are asked to provide a simple registration for allergy and emergency contact purposes. Parents have the option to check their children in either from the Church Center App or at one of our check-in Kiosks. You may also pre-register your children if you are planning a visit. Security labels are only required for children in nursery or our Early Learners (2s&3s) classes. When returning to pick up your child, only those with the corresponding sticker number may take the child. If you are having someone else pick your child up, please be sure that person brings the label when coming to get them. Other students (Prek-6th) only need to be checked in for attendance purposes.
- Upcoming Children’s Events
- Sunday School Parent Take-Home Materials
- Children’s Ministry Contacts: Liz Wagner, Children’s Director: and Patrick Skidmore, Children’s Ministry Deacon:

Sunday School
Each of our classrooms is led by lay teachers who are committed to bringing the Good News to children in a way that is fun and yet, impactful. Each week we will discuss a story or passage from Scripture, have crafts and activities geared to their age group, and practice reading and memorizing God’s Word.
For the safety of your children, all Elders, Deacons, Staff, Children’s Ministry, and Youth Ministry volunteers are required to obtain clearances and background checks, including the FBI Background Check (with required fingerprinting) Criminal History Record check, and the PA Child Abuse Clearance and they must keep these in good standing throughout their time of service.
Life Groups & Our Children
Children are a welcome addition to our Life Groups where families interact and “do life together.” Each Life Group consists of a few families who meet together weekly in one another’s homes to go deeper into studying God’s Word. Childcare is provided for families with young children at a nominal fee, and we try to include children regularly in small group discussions.

Children in Ministry
We love children at Living Hope and we want them to be actively involved in our ministries when they are no longer in a classroom! Older children (Grades 7 and Up) are encouraged to stay in the service with the adults and participate in worship and hearing God’s Word.
For those interested in serving in the children’s ministry, please contact our Children’s Director, Liz Wagner at