You can browse our archive below of Sunday Worship Gatherings as well as special seminars. You can also watch on YouTube or listen via Apple Podcasts or on Spotify.
Hidden Righteousness
Radical Morality
Intro to the Reformation and Martin Luther – Part 2
Intro to the Reformation and Martin Luther – Part 1
The Upside-Down Kingdom
The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
The Temptation of Jesus
Prepare the Way
Jesus our King
Jesus our Savior
Jesus our Heritage
The Blessing of Forgiveness
“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” — Psalm 32:1 (ESV) The Blessing of Forgiveness Blessed are the Forgiven (v 1-2) Breaking the Silence (v 3-4) Confession and Forgiveness (v 5) Prayer, Praise and Shouts of Deliverance (v 6-7)