Living Hope Church Blog (Page 12)

Living Hope Church Blog (Page 12)

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. “

2 Peter 3:18

Growing in Grace is a blog to help instruct, encourage, and inspire you to move away from the brokenness of this world and mature into the new life you have in Christ. If you have questions or comments about our blog, please contact our Blog Manager, Laura Dibert, at

Does God Change His Mind?

This isn’t just a question for seminary students or those who like to engage in philosophical thought experiments. It is a question that arises naturally as we read about God in the Scriptures. Our answer to this question brings up a host of others as well: If God doesn’t change his mind, why pray? Isn’t it useless if God will do what he decided beforehand? Can God change…