by George Rebstad
You wake to the alarm, roll out of bed, and start to prepare for your day. If you’re married with school-aged children like me, this often means your next priority is getting the rest of the house moving. Perhaps you’re retired, single, or living at home… but regardless of your life stage, you have something to do as you start your day. Whatever your routine, before long, the day is moving forward fast and being filled with everything you need to accomplish. Before you realize it, evening has set in and your routine to close out your day is well underway. Eventually, your head hits the pillow and voila, another day in the books!
Time stops for no one. We all face it: another day, another week, another month, another year gone by and often before we know it. What if we take just a moment to pause and reflect on how we spent our time? As we reflect, let’s first put things into categories like family time, work time, recreation/leisure, sleep, prayer, and probably a few others unique to our individual lives. If the amount of time we spend on a particular category is indicative of its importance in our lives, like me, you may find yourself asking a few questions. Did I spend my time wisely? Why is my employment such a dominant part of my life? Did I really not get outside and enjoy God’s creation more than that? Have I given my children the time they need and deserve? Have I invested the time in my spouse, my marriage? Have I honored and served God with my time?
Miriam-Webster defines worship as a verb in the following way: to “honor or show reverence for as a divine being or supernatural power,” and to “regard with great or extravagant respect, honor, or devotion.” As Christians, we know this definition points directly to God and God alone. Certainly, if we are looking to fully embody this definition true worship, then worship means time spent! But we must also see how Scripture informs our perspective on worship.
In Romans, Paul writes “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” | Romans 12:1-2
As we read Paul’s words, he is clear: worship is a verb. It is not something we just do on Sunday. Spiritual worship as defined by Paul is being a “living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God.” Our worship is not to be conformed to the world. Transformed lives require time spent with God and for God, in worship.

Our lives are so packed with obligations and activities, sometimes it can feel impossible to find time for God. Yet, there is no mystery here: we need God weaved into every cord of our lives. He desires that of his children! When we faithfully and humbly submit ourselves to Christ, looking to him when we rise, while we go through life, and when the sun sets, we worship him. There are many practical steps along this journey, but putting God at the center of who we are, seeking to be transformed, and serving him in every movement is how we find “Time for Worship.” So let’s consider all he has given us, let’s remember his presence is always with us, and let’s live a life of worship.