Attributes of God

Attributes of God

If we are to follow and obey God, it is essential that we know who he is.  It is far too easy to follow a God made in our own image.  God is not just good and loving, he is also powerful and just.  We must understand God – not as we want him to be – but as he has revealed himself.  To follow God and receive his richness, we need a full-scoped, deep perspective of all his attributes.  

Of course seeking to know and understand in infinite God is an overwhelming task!  Thankfully God has revealed himself to us in general revelation (the natural world) and, most importantly, special revelation (the inspired Scriptures).  And yet, studying God’s revelation may feel as overwhelming as looking into the Grand Canyon – we could spend a lifetime exploring every feature and crevice!  Where do we start?  Where do we focus?  In his classic work Knowing God, J.I. Packer gives the following advice: 

“What, then, does the activity of knowing God involve?  First, listening to God’s Word and receiving it as the Holy Spirit interprets it, in application to oneself.  Second, noting God’s nature and character, as his Word and works reveals it.  Third, accepting his invitations and doing what he commands.  Fourth, recognizing and rejoicing in the love that he has shown in thus approaching you and drawing you into this divine fellowship.”  

We begin to know God by studying the Word of God and seeking the Spirit’s guidance.  And as we do so, we benefit greatly from relying on the faithful Christian theologians who have gone before us to organize and clarify all that we see in Scripture about God.  These theologians note that many of God’s attributes are characteristics that humans – created in the image of God – can also reflect.  The attributes that we directly reflect are called the “communicable attributes” (i.e. love, goodness) whereas qualities we less overtly emulate are called “incommunicable attributes” (i.e. eternality, sovereignty).  And so, as we learn about God, we learn who we are created to be!  Through the work of Christ, our old self is “being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator” (Col. 3:10).

Before we do a brief scan of the many attributes of God, we should also note that God is three-in-one.  Each person of the Trinity is fully God, and therefore each of these attributes is displayed in the person and work of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit.  

What follows is twenty-four attributes, but because there is often overlap in the concepts, they are grouped together in twelve pairs.  Take time to study the Scriptures, meditate on who God is, give thanks, and praise God for each of his wonderful attributes!  

  1. Consistency & Trinity – God is one being.  All of his various attributes exist simultaneously, equally, in unity, and in consistency with one another.  God is three persons.  God eternally exists as one being in three persons – God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.  
  2. Eternality & Spirituality – God is an eternal, self-existent, uncreated, spiritual being.  God’s existence and attributes are not dependent on anything else other than himself.  He exists outside of time and space and has no beginning or end.  He is spiritually present everywhere in the universe (omnipresent).  
  3. Truthfulness & Faithfulness – All that God is, does, and says is true.  He is always faithful to himself and always does what he has said and promises.  
  4. Unchangeableness & Activity – God’s being, attributes, and eternal plan and purposes are unchangeable (immutable); yet, God actively interacts with his creation, responds to his creatures, and feels emotion.  
  5. Knowledge & Wisdom – God knows all things and knows all things fully (omniscient).  God has all wisdom and always knows what is good, right, and best for him and his creation.  
  6. Power & Sovereignty – God is all-powerful (omnipotent) and has all authority over creation.  He freely does all that he desires.  By his providence, he is purposefully working for the good of all creation and his own glory.
  7. Justice & Wrath – God is just, knowing right and wrong, and upholding right and wrong in his universe.  He hates all sin and evil and acts in divine judgment to punish all sin and evil.  
  8. Mercy & Patience – God is merciful toward those who have rebelled against him, and does not immediately bring the wrath that is deserved.  He his patient with the creatures who are hostile toward him, so that his plan of salvation can unfold, and sinners can repent.  
  9. Holiness & Goodness – God is good, right, and pure in his being.  All that he thinks, does, and says is morally right.  He is holy, distinct, and set-part from this fallen, sinful world. 
  10. Peace & Order – God lives in a perfect state of harmony and order within himself and works to overcome chaos and disorder and bring control and order to his universe.  
  11. Love & Grace – God freely gives love, kindness, and favor to his creatures.  He affectionately gives of himself to his children.  He gives saving grace to sinners who don’t desire or deserve it.  
  12. Beauty & Glory – God is the sum total of every quality that is good, excellent, beautiful, and desirable.  The glory of God is the full splendor and supremacy of his being that invokes awe and worship. 

Studying the attributes of God – truly knowing God – is no side-venture or frivolous pursuit.  Jesus said it is the very essence of salvation and eternal life! “And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (Jn. 17:3).

For more on this topic, you can listen to our 2021 sermon series on the Attributes of God.


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