by Jan Null
Putting together a mission trip to New Mexico has always been an exciting adventure. Prayer, promotion, and preparation get started early. The tough part for me is waiting for the right team to choose to go. This year has been no different. After setting the dates and pondering the project, the waiting begins. What new friends will sign up? Who will return again to minister to the Navajo people? Who will be used by God this summer to make a difference on the reservation?
After a blessed trip last summer of kids’ outreach and the Back to School Bash, I was thinking that a VBS outreach would be perfect. Notice the pronoun “I” in that last sentence. I thought that’s the way the summer ministry would unfold. Little by little, people began to sign up. Who was missing? Teens and young adults to make that kind of outreach happen! I continued to invite and encourage but for many good reasons, those who had served before couldn’t join us.
God had another plan. And it is GOOD! Donna Felts and I considered the gifts of the eleven ladies who had signed up to go. We had a nurse, some teachers, some very good cooks, three teen girls, wonderful musicians, crafters, encouragers, listeners. God had assembled the team bringing every gift needed for a Ladies and Teen Retreat to bless the Navajo women in Bloomfield. And so the planning began for a refreshing time called Beautiful YOU!
So what does this look like? How do we take a ladies retreat to NM? Every team member has a role to play. We’ll begin by a Sunday drive through the clusters of reservation homes inviting ladies to come. The welcome begins with coffee and homemade pastries on Monday morning, followed by a “Get Acquainted” activity. Our goal with the Bible study is to encourage and refresh as we study Psalm 139 and are reminded of God’s care for each of us. There will be a health moment and a short chat about healthy choices. A “Let’s Get Moving” time will get us outside for a walk or maybe stretching indoors. All of the ladies are invited to join us for lunch, so a cooking demo will lead into that segment with nutritional tips. Crafting is an important component to Navajo culture, so we will wrap up the day and enjoy conversation as we weave hula hoop rugs and teach a watercolor class painting hummingbirds. None of this was in my mind when we began planning for New Mexico 2024…..but God. He nudged each servant and assembled the team! I am beyond excited to work HIS plan and purposes as we serve in late July! After a long summer with teams coming in from all over the country focusing on children and youth, our role will be to wrap up the summer with a sweet time to bless and encourage the Navajo ladies. We will remind them just how beautiful they are and how deeply their Heavenly Father loves them! God knew who should make up the team and what He had in mind. He assembled exactly who we needed so HIS purposes could be fulfilled. And the three men on our team? There are lots of projects waiting for Bob, Ed, and David’s attention. And the rest of us will join them after our retreat time.
I am reminded of this verse.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” | Philippians 2:13
God is at work among the team. He has given the desire for this ministry. Our job is to carry out his good purposes. I know he will energize and give us the strength to do what He’s called us to do.
In the local church God has gifted each of us. We all have a gift, a calling, a heart to serve others in some way. When we all do our part, no one is overwhelmed. The body functions smoothly and efficiently. God’s work is carried out to build the faith of believers and to reach the lost. I am expecting there will be ladies in both camps, some who know Christ and some seekers. What a privilege to take the good news of the Gospel to the desert.

Living Hope friends, you may not be joining us for our week of ministry on the reservation. You may never meet the missionaries who serve there year round or the ladies that come out to share their faith journey with us. You may never be brought to tears listening to the women break out in their native language singing, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus. BUT if your role is to be in Shrewsbury praying for a fruitful time of encouragement to ladies who face challenges on many fronts, then the team would ask that you pray fervently for God to work in our midst. If your role is to give so others can go, then give liberally. We all have a part!
I am thrilled that God has assembled HIS team for New Mexico 2024. He has nailed down our focus and given just the right team members to carry out the plan. I know he goes before us and I am most grateful and excited to see what is in store for us on the high desert of New Mexico!
Choosing to go,
Jan Null